Giving children the skills they need to flourish in social and educational settings later on in life.
Our Pre-K program helps your children explore and choose activities that are interesting and challenging to them. We have music, computers, gross and fine motor activities, plants and animals, sensory, books, dramatic play, blocks, art, science, woodworking and math centers for active learning through play. Our staff members plan both group and individual activities to help your children develop as they get ready for kindergarten.
We focus on the acquisition of real-life and self-help skills while the children learn to socialize with their peers. These skills can all help your children flourish in social and educational settings later on in life.
We begin teaching math, social studies and science using everyday activities and by recognizing their classroom as a “community of learners.” The Pre-K room is a print-rich environment which emphasizes reading-readiness. For phonetic awareness, the class is introduced to a “letter of the week” during the school year. For each letter, the class will learn to recognize it in print, to write it correctly and the sound it makes as the beginning letter in a word. In addition, we expose them to a “word wall” to introduce sight-reading throughout the year.
Robert E. Simon, Jr. Children’s Center, Inc.
12005 Sunrise Valley Drive, Terrace Suite 30
Reston, VA 20191
(703) 834-5880
Business Hours
Monday – Friday 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM
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