A Letter to Parents-
You're Doing Great!

It occurred to us recently that in this strange 2020 climate there is no one feeling more stress and pressure than parents. Do you send your kids back to school? Do you not? Do you settle on half virtual school, half in person? The decisions are never ending, and we know firsthand the toll these kind of decisions can take on parents.

So, we’re here to tell you- you’re doing GREAT!

Being a parent is the hardest job in the world. Making decisions day in and day out for your children is the most trying and overwhelming task a person can have. So we thought we would take a moment to acknowledge all parents, both those in our Simon Center family and outside it, for the feat you all achieve every day. You parent!

We also wanted to give you a few small things to remember in the moments when you’re doubtful of just how great you’re doing.

Stop Feeling Guilty

For the extra T.V. you let your children watch yesterday, or the extra iPad time so you could take a moment to breathe. For the extra cookie you let them have after dinner because they were good all day and they did eat all their vegetables.

For that moment where you raised your voice a little too loud, or that moment where you let your emotions take over for a just a minute. Stop with the guilt. We’re human. Superhumans maybe (all parents are!), but still human.

You’re Entitled to Your Opinion

2020 has been the year of every possible opinion from every possible direction telling parents what they should be doing with their children, how they should be coping, what decisions they should be making, the list just goes on.

But remember that you make your own decisions for your family and you are entitled to them. You get to decide what works for you and your children, and that might be different from your best friends, or your siblings, or the parenting Gurus on social media. And that’s okay. It’s better than okay, it’s how it should be.

Remember You’re Not Alone

You think you’re the only parent overwhelmed?! You know that’s not true. Every parent struggles. But just because you are struggling absolutely does not mean that you’re failing. You are succeeding at every turn, so give yourself a little credit every now and then.

Lean on the resources closest to you when the going gets tough. Lean on your friends, your family, your children’s school teachers and your daycare centers for guidance when you need it. Our door is always open at the Simon Center for parents who need an ear, even if it’s just to tell you how great you’re doing!